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There are many things to do to keep you occupied. Reading a book is a good way to keep you occupied while doing something educational. Something that is more fun than reading a book is doing a science project. If you don’t think that doing a science projects are more than reading a book, you probably have not tried them. Here are 5 reasons science projects are more fun then reading a book.

The first reason science projects are more fun then reading a book is because it will get you off the couch and doing something more interactive. You can do a science project by yourself or get other people involved. Science projects are fun because they are hands on.

The second reason science projects are more fun then reading a book is because it is real, and it is application. You can read about how electricity works, or you can figure it out for yourself by applying the ideas and doing a science project. It isn’t some fictional thing that you know can never happen. It is finding something that you are curious about and discovering how it works and putting it to the test.

For example, when popping popcorn have you ever wondered how popcorn pops? Well, you could do a science project and figure out what makes it pop and why some kernels don’t pop when cooked. There is a small drop of water in the center of a kernel that when heated quickly enough causes the water to turn to steam causing the kernel to pop and create popcorn. But what happens if you cook the popcorn in the oven at a low temperature? The pop corn would not pop because it would heat the water slowly and it would make the water evaporate instead of turning it to steam. You could try a lot of different ways to try to make a kernel pop and make educated guesses on if it will pop or not. You can also try to freeze it and see if that has an effect on how the kernel will pop. If you are curious about popcorn try it out.

The third reason science projects are more fun then reading a book is because it helps you learn something that might help you in the future. Maybe in a science class or helping relate to something that you are learning about in another class. Science projects can always come in handy.

The fourth reason science projects are more fun then reading a book is because they help bring things to life. In a book you use your imagination but that is where it usually stops. With a science project you can actually go out and make something become a reality. For example, say you want to know more about frogs. You could always go to the library and check out a book and read it. Or you could take it one step further and make a science project involving frogs. Go out to some wetlands or other places you think frogs might live and take in their habitat and everything that has to do with frogs. Then you can ask questions and study other habitats and it will help you discover why frogs live and do the things they do to survive.

The fifth reason science projects are more fun then reading a book is because you get to make your own story. You get to take what you are interested in and be your own narrator. You get to decide what you want to do for your science project, where you want your science project to take place and decide what outcomes you want out of it.

These 5 reasons are all good reasons why science projects are more fun then reading a book. Science projects help you get out and discover what the world has to offer you. Pick a science project and start your own story. There are so many possibilities out there.

Just Science Projects is a powerful science fair projects and elementary and middle school science experiments site. Whether you're looking for great science experiments for kids, science projects, or science fair ideas, Just Science Projects is your source. To get great, fun projects visit or call us at 206-498-6502.
