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Make Predictions

Predictions can strengthen your business for the short and long hall. I do not want to get in the area of the Prophesy of the end of time or spend time discussing astrology. That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about you, using your skills right now to improve your ability to predict people’s reactions and events in life.

For many years I have made predictions. Around 1981, when I was working in Chicago I dropped off an ad at Channel 5. While riding the elevator with Deborah Norville, I said to her that she would be the next Jane Pauly. And she was a few years later. Another great prediction was believing that when I saw Ryan Howard ask a Missouri Bear at a local Missouri State Game, I believed he would be a major leaguer. (No idea he would be as great as he is!) And I predicted I would marry my wife less than1 hour of meeting her and we would have kids together! We have 3.

When I worked for Noble, an ad agency, I would tell everyone that I was 80% on all of my predictions.

And I was right. I was.

Honestly, I don’t believe I have strange powers different than many of you. I just have hunches. A feeling about something. Energy flowing in a direction. Some of it is based on the rhythm of how things are going and some is based on repetition of my life experiences. And some is an unexplained intuition.

What’s important here is that this ability to predict can be used in a very important area of business.

Like hiring people.

Imagine being able to predict a person’s future at your company? This could help you decide on hiring this person or not. Predicting the persons contribution. Ability to adapt and get along with employees. Whether you will like the person or not.

To be good at predictions you have to be sensitive to your surroundings and other people. People who are sensitive have a greater ability to predict. They trust their feelings and don’t rely on just facts.

If you think this whole idea of predicting is ridiculous. Consider two of the greatest men of all time. Babe Ruth and Mohammad Ali. Babe predicted a homer before it happened by pointing his bat toward the center field fence before he hit the ball out of the park. Ali would make many predictions on what round he would knock out his opponents before the fight. And time and time again, his predictions would come true.

Jesus constantly fulfilled predictions by profits by telling what part of the Old Testament had just come true.

Find constructive ways to use predictions for your business. Here are some interesting prediction questions to ask yourself about your business.

1. How will my business do 6 months and 12 months from now?
2. What questions will my clients say about the work?
3. Who will leave the business next and why?
4. What new accounts will we get?
5. Will I succeed here or be fired?
The list is endless to how predictions can help.

What happens when you are wrong with a prediction? Admit it and move on. The ratio of correct predictions still make it a huge benefit to utilize this tool. How can you increase your ability to predict? It’s like every talent and skill, it takes work.

Use the FRBA method. It’s a way that I created for you to tap into the inner power of predictions.

1. Feel it. Trust your feelings. Your feelings are created to guide you. Trust them.
2. Rhythm of life. Watch the rhythm of life to lead you to future rhythms about similar people and similar surroundings.
3. Believe it. Know you are right. Like Ali and The Babe. And Coby with his wife!
4. Act on it. Make your prediction.

Now start making predictions in your workplace and start to use them to gain confidence in meetings, moral, hiring talent, your career and personal life.

James Neill owns Coby Neill Creative Creative Ad Agency
Author of 3 books
James Neill is President of Coby Neill Creative and BULLDOG RADIO SPOTS - call him direct at 417-379-0535.
