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Nostradamus Future Predictions

Michel Nostradamus, history's most famous prophet, died in southern France in the late sixteenth century. The lines of Nazca are one of archaeology's greatest mysteries and were created nearly a thousand years earlier on a faraway continent. A direct connection between the two is surely impossible, no? "To the contrary, it's highly possible," says Morten St. George, author of a Nostradamus decoding book called Incantation of the Law Against Inept Critics: A Guide to Cryptic Thinking.

St. George's sensational decoding breakthrough was discovering that more than a half dozen of the Nostradamus prophecies cover, with extreme accuracy and detail, major historical events of an Andean people known as the Incas. "The prophecies in question stand among the easiest to decode. No one ever did so because no one ever imagined that Nostradamus could be prophesying about such things." Moreover, in a couple of those prophecies, the author displays signs of emotion over the future dire plight of the Andean people, implying that there was direct contact if not a bond of friendship.

A reaffirmation comes in the first line of prophecy VI-2, which reads "In the year 580 more or less." Interpreters normally assume poetic license to add a thousand years. "Not necessary," says St. George. "580 are correct as it stands. Prophecy VIII-76, internally claiming to signal the time of authorship, recounts in detail known historical events occurring in England around 580 A.D." Meanwhile, it seems the people of Nazca used wooden stakes to mark out their lines, and archaeologists, using radiocarbon dating techniques, have determined that they began their grandiose project in the Peruvian desert around 580 A.D.

Does this mean that the Nazca runways were landing strips for ancient astronauts? "No again," says St. George. "There is no archaeological record of any spacecraft; the alien used only a spacesuit and two hand-held devices, which evidently provided it with navigational and propulsion powers, to fly around, freestyle, like Superman." Then, says St. George, the flying alien went away, and the people of Nazca made those lines to attract its attention, to entertain it, to entice it to return, and to guide it on its return to Nazca. But the alien never came back. Instead, on the other side of the world, it left humankind another type of legacy.

More information on this theme can be found on Morten St. George's Cryptic Thinking Official Site. This website backs up the claim of ancient astronauts with archaeological depictions of the alleged author of the Inca prophecies, Incan archaeoastronomy and cosmology Sun Disk, and extensive illustrations of St. George's decoding techniques including data potentially useful for SETI astronomers.

By Gersiane De Brito, from Fortaleza, Brazil. Other articles by Gersiane De Brito can be found on the Cryptic Thinking Official Site,
