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Nostradamus Prophecies Predictions

Nostradamus was a physician and prophet of the 16th century living in France at the time of the Inquisition. He was recognized as a brilliant physician who knew effective measures against the plague victims of the time, a rarity in his profession. Nostradamus as a seer wrote about "quatrains", or four line poems, about his visions collected over his lifetime. The quatrains are enveloped in deeply obscure, twisted, nested symbolism and encryptions (such as anagrams, different languages, etc.) that is virtually impossible to untangle by a casual observer. Perhaps the greatest difficulty was that he intentionally scrambled them in terms of their historical order. Quatrains I have found particularly evocative and masterful in symbolism and interpretation, and serve as examples of Nostradamus' intents and talents, are, Centurie III, Quatrain 13, microchips and electricity, Centurie IV, Quatrain 29, the dichotomy of technology vs. spirituality in the 20th century, and Centurie II, Quatrain 75, a plane lands on the deck of an aircraft carrier in a pivotal moment of WWWIII

How did Nostradamus do it?

Nostradamus was born with an inner "sixth sense", i.e. a strong intuition and great psychic abilities. Secondly he had enormous drive to develop it. His grandfather apparently passed him books on witchcraft that allowed him to experiment with some rituals. He also had access to "lost" manuscripts handed down outside of the libraries of the time. He talks about guides from the astral plane and from other worlds who helped him. Some pointed him in the direction of esoteric plant recipes and mind-enhancing drugs (but he emphasized they only enhanced his powers and were not the source of them). One apparently bestowed on him a mirror during one of his meditations. The mirror was especially important to his predictions.

Nostradamus also talked of using different crystals to focus on various telepathic frequencies. Occasionally he refers to staring at fire or water (such as in a bowl on a tripod) as a way of focusing his mind. He had access to some lost works of mysticism from his travels (apparently to some Moslem lands). He communicated with other expert astrologers and mystical teachers. However it is possible that some of his notes about and explanations of his techniques were a means of throwing the Inquisition off track.

One of the most amazing possibilities explored was that in a sort of "twist of time" Nostradamus was tapping into the subconscious of the people from the future who contacted him. Some have wondered about Nostradamus' healing capabilities. He talks about a sort of holistic approach to health and reveals that he was skillful in avoiding the shock that was induced in many patients of surgeons at the time using psychic approaches. He talked about the importance of the "aura" of the person in determining the health of the patient and criticized the practice of treating symptoms. He said that a patient will find some other way to make themselves sick if their critical mental attitude is awry. He talked about cancer being caused by deeply ingrained self-sabotaging thoughts. Nostradamus also confirmed what many have speculated, that he was able to see future approaches to treating the diseases he encountered (such as the plague) and adopt key aspects of the techniques.

The author is a researcher on the Subjects of supernatural, paranormal, the occult and spirituality. He also has a blog on such occurances:
