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Prophecy Prediction Of Future

All of humanity is completely misinformed of the meaning of Jesus Christ’s message. Only authentic inspired prophecy can cure that lack at once, while prediction can do nothing.

1 – Authentic Prophecy is based upon eternal wisdom and the complete understanding of God’s person, His principle, law and grace. Predictions are 50/50 suppositions of what could, or could not be so, a gamble with human lives in separation from God.

2 – Authentic Prophecy knows the beginning and the end simultaneously, for all is timelessly in existence now. Prediction relies on linear progression of ‘time’.

3 – While predictions reside in the earthly realm, prophecy combines heaven and earth into paradise, or God’s final intent.

4 - Predictions take what ‘is’ and shifts, shuffles and rearranges it for a different result in the future, while inspired prophecy knows the higher outcome and the ingredients for its achievement, regardless of what ‘is’ now.

5 – Predictions use current circumstances & trends that are based upon erroneous thinking, and without correcting fundamental mistakes, projects the same mistakes into the future, while prophecy focuses on the restoration of original perfection (glory), through divine shortcuts.

6 – While authentic prophecy knows of the possibility of perfection, prediction accepts its impossibility by assuming less than perfect results.

7 – No prediction is absolutely accurate, because it is not concisely based on biblical principle, while prophecy in its consistent insight into the Alpha to Omega Plot cannot fail at all.

8 – Nothing can hide from the true biblical prophet, for all is there, there are no secrets, and it just has to be laid open to him, or her, while the human making predictions deals with partial truths and obscurity leading to a misunderstanding of the whole picture..

9 – Authentic Prophecy is true at the moment it is being made, while the receiver of predictions has to wait and see ‘if’ the results turn up.

10 – Authentic Prophecy is available to all. However, in their 99.9% Apostasy, humans look exclusively at predictions.

It has been said that to a prophet everybody else seems blind.

The reason for this statement is that wisdom is 180 degrees opposite to human ‘knowledge’, and to read and listen to what some humans utter these days hurts all over to him/her who understands. I am not asking the reader to stop hurting me, but to begin helping themselves to true, timeless information that is already within, and can never be had from another human.

Understanding God’s plot and wisdom is unlike any other orgasm, merely of the body. It is wholesome and perpetually satisfying.

Humanity must stop relying on majorities, groups, parties and associations for misperceived ‘power’. Any one person with an understanding of God and congruent with His wisdom has more power than all other humans combined, which is the reason for Jesus demonstrative existence in the first place.

Drop what you’re doing and follow Jesus (understand His instructions).

How about beginning to use your ‘Wishing Well’, saying out loud your wish, and feeling the ‘coin drop’ in the great deep (God), when it hits the surface of the water (creative unison) deep, deep inside. If you feel an obstruction, just ask what is wrong and let the thought-memory and resulting feeling safely pass.

After a while, you will feel the clearance of your well and fire will fill it, instead. That is the baptism with fire only Jesus The Christ can give you. He fills your void and straightens your confusion. From that very moment on, you will begin achieving all that was pre-purposed for your unique, individual life of joy and fulfillment.

The ONLY ‘ism’ in the scriptures is Individualism. Every one on the Internet can already notice that the ‘hunt’ for the individual is on right now. Not one single company on this earth can survive without having a considerable group of individuals do business with them, because 6.6 billion people are much less than we were told...

To read more about the POWER of the individual, visit - The End-Time Wave & Divine Shortcuts
