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Science Definitions

Most humans believe mankind is special and unique among Earth Species. Yet, if you look closely humans are similar in almost every regard to animals in fact humans are merely at the top of the scale of higher order mammals in the animal category or classification. At least one researcher wants to put this issue behind us once and for all by doing scientific experimentation to prove Humans are unique or not?

This project and new research experiment was tentatively and unofficially announced in an online think tank recently. And the lead and principal investigator stated that:

“But this is a difficult scenario to resolve since we are taking into considering an academic classification, which may vary as such between communities and this would have a significant impact on the experiment.”

Indeed, well then use their [academic] definitions then? But if Academia has “lied” to the them selves previous due to alignment with the Catholic Church or any religion if not all of them for instance then following that lie and using those definitions to continue to appease such religious notions is not science, remember the world is not flat.

So if the scientists cannot get their act together to be honest with definitions [usually] then creating new definitions which better fit the reality is in the name of [true] science and indeed the best for all concerned and needs to be done for the betterment of humankind.

This of course irregardless if they [the masses, religious followings] go along kicking and screaming about the findings. As “truth crushed to the ground shall rise again” no matter if you cut down the your hypothetical tree of knowledge to the proverbial roots, where you plan on starting your research, you see. And that is what I think of that. What do you think of it? Consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington
