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The Mix of Religion and Politics is Spiritually Dishonest

There is a Christian worldview that says politics will bring us safety and security in our lives; that politics will be able to make us or keep us as a Christian nation; that politics are the manifestation of 'thy kingdom come thy will be done'

There is another Christian worldview that says politics are not a necessary part of a Christian’s life; that politics cannot do anything for us as Believers; that God will provide us with everything we need so we do not need to do anything.

Both extremes are wrong. Not because they are extremes but just because they both give the believer a false sense of intellectual and emotional safety: the first a safety of involvement and the second a safety of being disengaged. The first removes God from the equation and the second removes us from the equation; both of which are incorrect responses to politics.

If I read my Bible correctly I am to be fully engaged in praying for and participating in the issues of my government BUT I am not to rely on them to bring me what only God is meant to bring me. To ignore the benefits of good, honest political effort is to be blinded to the many benefits that we live with today because of strong and Godly Christians being involved in our country’s politics.

The flip side of God’s word is that any man made entity EVEN WHEN GIVEN BY GOD is flawed and unable to provide me with what I long for. Marriage is an institution ordained by God but put me in it and things are going to go wrong. I believe government is ordained by God, also; but, put men in it and things are going to go wrong with a whole lot of people.

Now don’t get me wrong. I vote all the time (twice if I can get away with it!) because I believe how our political process and the way our government is set up is truly one of the best in the world. Our governmental model has provided for much religious freedom and the liberty to pursue spirituality. However, even at its best government is a man-made system in order to keep the wickedness of the sin nature of man from destroying everything that is good.

It is just that the representation we receive through the process of politics is not nearly as important or life changing as the representation before God that we receive thru our beloved Jesus. The radical reality is that politics can not bring eternal life, cannot heal wounded people, and cannot bring His kingdom to pass here on earth…only the Spirit can do that.

I love the One Who freed me. I serve a Mighty Creator. I love the One Who loves me. I am on my Father’s side. My agenda is His agenda. I love the One Who is called my Comforter. I love the One Who died for me.

To make This One a political marketing tool is a perversion. To take this Mighty Creator and Gracious Father and whittle Him down into a little wooden thing called politics seems like a horrendous insult to Him.

Vote His heart but more importantly live His heart.
